Lypo-Spheric R-ALA review

Hello again!

Lypo-Spheric R-ALA is a dietary supplement that is gluten free, sugar free and non-gmo. It’s a liquid-ish formula that you mix into any cool beverage and is safe to take twice daily. They come in individual foil packets, 30 packets a box at under $60. So that’s either a 15 day supply or for me since I took 1 then 2 every other day it last over 20 days(:

Box reads ” As a dietary supplement, take one packet 1 to 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. For best results, snip or year the notched end of the packet, squeeze into one or more ounces of your favorite cool beverage, drink on an empty stomach and wait at least 15 minutes before eating. Contents of packet will not dissolve.”

Thoughts on that would be that it really doesn’t dissolve and it doesn’t have too much flavor but you do notice it’s there, so it’s not flavorless!

Promotes and maintains cellular energy production*
Promotes healthy insulin sensitivity*
Supports weight-loss when combined with a low calorie diet*

* -haven’t been evaluated by the FDA. Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases

My first experience wasn’t the worst but it was definitely not the most comfortable. I took the packet with apple juice, tired my hardest to mix it but it holds true to not dissolving); I chugged it as fast as I could manage and felt the worst was over as it’s not my favorite texture for a beverage.
After about 10 minutes my stomach was over it and started to kind of twist from being empty, as you are to take it on an empty stomach, but the discomfort ceased after I ate and I didn’t have any side effect after eating.

I will say that my stomach looked pretty flat for just having ate (every time I took it) and I did feel lighter by the first weeks end. It did not really help with appetite suppression so I do recommend planning on doing some portion control.

Overall I will continue to use this product and may purchase it in the future if I happen to need a dietary aid.

You can purchase them on their website here

Thanks for reading!


I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Natural Facial Moisturizer by Adovia Review


Welcome (:

I’ve been extremely sick the past week so I’m so sorry for the delay in posts.
Lets get this review started!

“ Perfect for all skin types including Normal ski, Dry skin, Oily skin, Sensitive skin and combination skin. Hypoallergenic, premier dead sea minerals and anti-aging ingredients for deep hydration and skin care treatment. “

Info from their Amazon listing;

The Moisturizer: moisturize and protect your skin with Adovias quick absorbing and non greasy, daily face moisturizer. Contains natural oils and aloe vera gel for a deep hydration that lasts all day.


– My opinion – its kind of greasy but not overly oily to where I feel I need to blot my face

The Benefits: Quenches your skins thirst with natural, deep hydration that lasts all day giving you a more radiant complexion.

– Is extremely moisturizing but doesn’t make your makeup looked caked on

– Packaging is super cute, frosted looking glass, it’s pretty thick and should survive a light drop on the counter or carpeted floor. For a moisturizer I know cream pots aren’t a favorite but I like it, reminds me of the olden days movies ;p But I do actually use a spoon to get product out vs my fingers


The Company: Adovia Mineral Skin Care has been producing skin care products for ten years with thousands of satisfied customers and a proven track record. Our formulation experts specialize in hair and skin care products made from Dead Sea Mud and Dead Sea Salt. Our products are 100% CURUELTY FREE and Never tested on animals

This was the first product I tried from Adovia and I will say that I am impressed with the quality of this moisturizer, its really soft and creamy. Although there is a slight scent it isn’t one of added fragrance so even though I was hesitant trying it since I have sensitive skin but surprisingly it didn’t break me out.

Over all I do recommend this product especially for dry or aging skin, it’s super moisturizing and a little goes a long way!


Amazon Link or Adovia Webpage 

Thanks for reading!!



I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

TeaZa Herbal Energy Pouches Review

Hey there!

Recently I’ve been getting into herbal and natural energy supplements and I found that one of the most common ones brought up was tea, mostly green tea. Naturally when I saw this promotion on tomoson, I went for it!

What is TeaZa?
“TeaZa is a small biodegradable pouch full of healthy NATURAL herbs, vitamins and a small amount of caffeine designed to boost energy and mental focus while providing oral satisfaction to ward off unwanted cravings. This power pouch is placed between the lip and gum and will stimulate your taste buds for hours.”

And I would have to completely agree. I received 3 different flavors, Peppermint, Black Cherry and cinnamon but in addition to those they offer Fire, coffee and chill!
You can use them in 3 different ways, which I tried all, first is just put it in your water bottle and shake it up, second is as a hot tea and third is a little odd but it’s stick it between your gums and lip!

Haha the third one is the reason it has the “Not tobacco” label on it, which I found odd at first. I tried this as my initial method and I just couldn’t handle it. The bags are so flavorful and delicious I kept wanting to chew it so I had to take it out 😔
After that I did water bottle and hot tea and I used one bag for both and they came out equally as potent so they are extremely packed with flavor!

Oh did I mention they don’t have any sugar and are CALORIE FREE?! Yeah, I think I did, but I’m mentioning it now 😉
Also they do give you sufficient energy throughout the day without any jitters, crashing or if you’re like me, headaches and nausea. So I really am a fan of these yummy pouches.

I do recommend this product which you can purchase from Trim Nutrition (host of this promo) or directly from TeaZa Energy. Either way you’ll be getting an awesome product that will give you the best tea bang for your buck.

Thanks for reading!

Any questions or comments are welcomed!


Ana 💋

Petunia 1mm DermaRoller Review

Hello there!

In case you don’t know what a dermaroller is, it’s a plastic device that has a roller thingy with hundreds in this case 540 needles on it.

You’re supposed to roll it over problem areas and it promotes collagen production and circulation. Simple enough but it looks like hell! There are 7 needle sizes that you can get on your own and 2 larger needles that require anesthesia which is administered by a physician.


I have the 1mm roller which is used for

-Improve appearance of Deep Acne Scars
-Cellulite reduction
-Stretch Marks
-Tighten and smooth skin
-Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
-Reduce enlarged pores

I personally will not use this size of needle on my face because I haven’t used the small ones in a very long time so its kind of scary! So I’ve been using this on my cellulite and stretch marks on my thighs in combination with an anti cellulite cream and DIY cellulite scrub in this order.

Morning prep

-Use DIY coffee scrub in shower

Immediately before use

-Clean and sanitize area being rolled AND derma roller

-I usually dip it in boiling water a few times then I’ll soak it in alcohol and dip it once more in the water

Using and aftercare

– Roll derma roller with light pressure horizontally 5-10 times then vertically and diagonally (see photo)
– I usually do one leg then sanitize and do the other one
– I like to wait 10-20 minutes before I apply any serums or creams just depending on the inflammation, if its not all red and sore then I’ll apply it in like 10 minutes
– SANITIZEEEEEEEE before putting it away!!!
– Let area dry and try not to rub it or cover the area for at least an hour


Now as I said some days it’ll be more red than others and everyone’s skin is different so you should really use your best judgment when doing this. Start with going over it 5 times then increase each week, which brings me to the answer of ‘how often should I use this’ it is recommended to use 1-3 times a week on the FACE and 3-4 times a week on the body. I would say start off with 1-2 times a week then gradually increase that to 3-4.

Pain factor, yes it is kind of painful. Its not like being stabbed or cutting yourself its actually like being scratched with jagged finger nails haha so if you cant handle that then this product isn’t for you. Also you are repeating this process 5-10 times per direction in one area, it does get uncomfortable but that’s the price of beauty ;p It will be red, it will look like ground beef (just not as deep) but don’t get me wrong, its not the worst and it isn’t unbearable at all and for the results, its worth it!

Results, now with this it is a process and you have to keep at it and be consistent. By the second month I was able to honestly say that my stretch marks weren’t as pronounced and that I could easily cover them with self tanner and not have to worry about the silvery lines shinning through (not that I wore anything that showed my thighs, but under my shorts it was all good) I’m confident in this process and expect it to continue. Realistically nothing will make your stretch marks completely disappear, I don’t think its possible and every dermatologist ive seen seems to agree but with cellulite it is possible with increasing needle length and some dietary changes!

Bottom line is, if you can take it then I recommend this product. But also I do suggest you starting with a smaller needle until you’re more comfortable with it then gradually increase size. I would start with .25mm for the face or .30mm if your skin is a bit more tough then increase. Do remember to SANITIZEEEEEEEE the hell out of these things BEFORE and AFTER each use the bacteria that could accumulate can cause some serious issues so please remember that! Also this is how it comes so make sure yours is completely sealed also.


Feel free to leave any comments or feed back! Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed.

Also incase you missed the links you can find this product here or by searching Petunia DermaRoller on!



I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Liebster Award Post ;)

I was nominated by the lovely Shannon Paul (blog link) to participate in this award and I am to nominate 11 others to answer my questions! Let’s get started with the rules IMG_0059.JPG

Here are the questions Shannon wanted answered (here’s her post):

1. If you could have a drink with one celebrity, who would it be and why?

This is a hard one… Im only obsessed with a couple celebs but it’s extreme sooo Idk who I would choose… Umm I’m going to go with Anna Kendrick because she’s the tits and I adore and respect her sooo much!

2. What’s your favorite book?

Favorite books of all time would be the Daughter of the Moon and House of Night series! Got me through my lonely middle school/high school days!

3. What movie has really stuck with you over the years?

Closer or He’s Just Not That Into You. They have both taught me so much about life and love, lessons that aren’t openly talked about. If you haven’t seen Closer I suggest you get to it!

4. If you had to choose one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Cheese… Yup, cheese! Or cauliflower if cheese doesn’t count. Lol

5. Name one person that’s really inspired you.

That’s hard. I can’t really choose just one, so many people have contributed to what I’ve become and what I still pursue but if I had to choose only one it would be the woman who taught me how to be a good person Tammy Herring! She’s one of the most kind hearted, loving women I have ever met in my life she has raised and loved me as if I were her own and never has she judged me or turned her back on me, for the last 12 years she’s been my rock even through her own hard knocks!

6. What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?

Toy? Pssshhh I was a sewer rat! I loved going in tunnels and in the woods and things like that, I was a very outdoorsy child. Couldn’t keep me in the house for anything!

7. What is one piece of makeup you WILL not live without?

Because my skin is crap I will go with foundation! On good days mascara!!! I love lipsticks but I’m so pale they only look good when I have my face on ;(

8. If your house was on fire, what 3 things would you save on your way out?

1. Aurora -cat
2. Eros -cat
3. Memory box

9. If you’re not already working your dream job, what would it be?

I would work for the FBI in the BAU! Dream job, I know it’s nothing like on tv but it is what I am working towards and most passionate about.

10. If you could have a super power, what would you pick?

To read people’s minds!! I’ve always wondered what other would thinking. I feel like if I knew, it would help thicken my skin and make me more trusting.

11. What’s your biggest fear?

Physically it would be snakes!!! So effing scared ): Mentally or emotionally would be losing my moms, I couldn’t bare it.

And…11 random facts about myself:

1. My favorite color is purple
2. I didn’t actually buy any make up until I was 18, before that I just used my moms (she’s whiteeeee, it wasn’t bad but didn’t really work out lol)
3. When I was 19 I wanted to open my own gym but decided to just keep working at the Y
4. I taught hip hop and ballet for over 4 years
5. My spine sucks, I can’t bend in half without looking like a hunch back >__<
6. I have two cats but I want at least 4 more (all white Persian, Savannah, Norwegian Forrest and bengal)
7. I have never been the kind of person to keep in touch but I'm always there for the ones I love!
8. If I could travel the world for the rest of my life and live off of helping people and contributing in whatever ways, I would
9. I don't have any kids, don't plan on it ever!
10. Texas raised ❤️
11. If I have flawless skin I wouldn't be where I am right now, it's always been something I was/am self conscious about! Womp womp womp

My questions for you 😉

1. Blogging -why do you do it?
2. What's your favorite brands of makeup?
3. If you could change one thing about the world without repercussions, what would it be?
4. Hair, skin, nails -which would you pick to specialize in and why?
5. Bloggers/vloggers/youtubers -who are your top 3 favs?
6. What is your favorite thing to cook/bake?
7. When it comes to fashion and trends do you tend to follow them or just wear what you like?
8. What are your favorite sporting events?
9. A day in the life of ___ would be the best day!
10. Tell me about your fur babies or if you don't have any tell me about ones you'd love to have an why?
11. If you could live in another country, which would to be? Why?

My first gorgeous victim is Marisa here is her post and be sure to follow her blog here❤️

And these lovely ladies
Andrea with Preppy Mom Blog

Carolyn with Enamored with Glamour -follow her on Facebook also

Jen D’s blog Beauty on the Mind

Jamie’s Thrifty Geeky Mom Blog

Brandy with Daisy serenity, Random Reviews

Garcinia Cambogia Extract -Dear Nature Review and GIVEAWAY!!!

Welcome (:

If you haven’t heard of Garcinia Cambogia then you’re in luck because you’re going to be seeing A LOT of it on my blog for the next few weeks! Also, this was set to publish over two weeks ago and yet again I failed at getting that correct so my apologies on the flood of reviews you’re about to be getting and for the delay!

Garcinia Cambogia is a supplement formulated with things like HCA (hydroxycitric acid) which blocks fat by obstructing enzymes that makes your body need fats from carbs. Typically when your body isn’t using your sugary or complex carbs right away for energy they are stored and eventually transform into those pesky fat cells. So the theory here is that this supplement is supposed to block the cells from being stored and also allow the ones you already have, to release fat lipids to be used as energy.


Claims of this particular brand which is Dear Nature, if you didn’t catch that in the title, are that is contains the highest amount of pure Garcinia with 60% HCA concentration, clinically shown to block fat, suppress your appetite and reduce your calorie consumption. In doing this you will feel fuller longer and that should prevent any urges to over eat or binge throughout the day. It also claims to enhance your mood because GC appears to have an instant effect on serotonin levels in the brain and as a result of the mood increase and appetite suppression, your energy level should enhance.

First impression, typical capsule and packaging. 60 count bottle, 2 capsules daily, so 30 servings per bottle. I’m used to taking 4-6 capsules a day, either 2 before each meal or 2 before the 2 largest meals of the day so just taking 2 was a bit odd for me. They had no side effects, as expected and didn’t taste or smell like anything.

Experience and final thoughts would be that they didn’t work as effectively when I only took 2 capsules a day vs when I took 4 a day so if you’re daring like myself then I do suggest taking the 4 to see some number changes on the scale that make you smile. I lost a healthy additional amount of 2 lbs weekly with 4 daily pills vs the 1ish with only 2 daily pills. This was combined with my lower calorie diet and 30+ minutes of daily cardio!
I do recommend these especially if you’re new to dieting and to portion control as these will certainly give you the confidence and little boost you need to kick start your diet! Also, as I am not completely out of shape I noticed there was a significant change in bloating and I realized my stomach was flat even immediately after eating.

Feel free to ask any questions, leave comments or message me with any other thoughts!

All you have to do is make sure you’re subscribed to my blog, share this post and comment on this post why you want to try Dear Natures Garcinia Cambogia!

So simple! Giveaway ends 9/12/14 (:
*********GIVEAWAY INFO*********
Winner will be picked using since wordpress isn’t compatible with other widgets /:

The link to purchase is pretty much everywhere but you may also click here to get your 60 ct pills for just $16.99!
Thanks for reading!


I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Valentia Even Glow Serum Review



Let me start by saying that this review was scheduled to be posted two weeks ago but somehow never made it on my page. My apologies!


Even Glow Serum is a Vitamin C serum that is meant to repair, refresh and renew your skin giving your complexion a more even look and feel over time. It is made with 98% natural ingredients and also claims to diminish dark spots and discoloration, boost collagen production so that your skin “retains the elasticity responsible for a youthful appearance and prevent sagging associated with aging” and make take ‘years’ off your appearance. Lastly it’s supposed to reduce the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles with special ingredients such as Sea Buckthorn oil to plump the skin making it clearer and younger.


With that being said lets get to the first impression. First off, the box the bottle comes in is super fancy looking, it definitely does look like its up there with department store competitors and the bottle is nice also. It has the glass dropper and all. The serum itself is a yellow color, looks very creamy and isn’t too runny so its easy to apply, has a slight scent, its floral or fruity, I really cant decide but its extremely pleasant and not too over powering at all. Application as I said is pretty easy, it goes on smooth and isn’t sticky if you apply sparingly and work it in a bit. Dries fairly quickly and your moisturizer or primer goes on like normal and doesn’t cake up with the extra layer.


Personal experience was actually quite pleasant, it didn’t break me out or make my skin too oily so that always a plus in my book. My skin does feel and look better than it had prior to using this serum and I will note that even when only using it at night I saw a difference in the brightness of my skin.

Final thoughts would be yes, I do recommend this products for long term use and I do see it helping with existing skin conditions. I cannot comment on the antiaging properties as I do not have many signs of aging except slight smile lines but those aren’t going anywhere without getting under the knife lol

But I do honestly think it has made my skin look more plump and youthful so I give it an A.


Its only $35 on Amazon for 1.18oz of product which is pretty standard for a serum and you’ll also get a FREE  Age Defying Facial Treatments ebook with over 20 beauty recipes including this one that I tried and loved and am sharing with you now:

All you need is

1 tsp of Matcha Powder and  few drops of water or if you have dry skin aloe gel
-I added a few drops of lemon to mine because I like how it feels (:


Mix until it’s a paste and apply to face and neck with brush to avoid transferring oils from your fingers to your face

Leave on 20-30 minutes then rinse offwith warm water and a cloth or konjac sponge

Use to 1-3 times weekly!



It should look like his, not mine. I didn’t put enough water because I liked the texture of it lol fail!

The mask is said to Improve dull skin as well as exfoliates dead skin cells, follow with your Valentia Serum for a moisturized finish!

Thanks for reading feel free to comment or ask any questions~



I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Raspberry Ketones -Pure Natural Review

Hey there!

Pure Natural Raspberry Ketones claim they are not Synthesized in Lab, It is extracted from Natural Sources, No Additives, No Fillers or Artificial Ingredients and no binders.

They work by increasing the fatty acid oxidation and stimulate Adiponectin (a protein that aids in regulating Glucose level) which burns the fat and converts it into energy when needed and as a result it suppresses your appetite.  “Raspberry Ketones Works as an Efficient Weight Loss Supplement when it combined with balanced diet and Regular Exercise.”


First impression was me wondering why they were “raspberry” ketones when they aren’t flavored and that the red capsules were refreshing! I think the packaging is simple and convenient. The product itself doesn’t have have any flavors or odors and from my experience no noticeable inconvenient side effects.
I take them as recommended, 2 capsules before each meal so 6 a day and I haven’t experienced any discomfort.


Do they work? I do think they aid in appetite suppression. I don’t feel or look bloated after eat and mainly that is because I do not over eat or over indulge. It’s not a drastic difference because it isn’t one of those crazy weight loss pills, you will feel a difference before the weight loss is noticeable, like with any diet. I did notice an increase in my mood and also I was losing an EXTRA 1-2 lbs a week when I added this to my already lower calorie diet and exercise routine so I was SAFELY losing 3-4lbs a week.

Final thoughts would be to give it a try IF you are already exercising and eating right. I don’t think it’ll do much if you’re not actively making an effort to lose weight, it’s not a miracle pill it’s more of a booster. Overall it’s doesn’t seem to be harmful or harsh at all, and I do see a difference when using it.

Thank you for reading!



I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

NIGHTFOOD Cookies N’ Dream Review


photo (2)


I am absolutely in love with these delicious bars of chocolaty goodness.


 Night food bars are a dietary supplement bar that “satisfies after dinner cravings, keeps your diet on track, supports better sleep and is a good source of fiber and protein.” I agree with these statements 100%! With ingredients like organic brown rice syrup, chicory, rolled oats, chocamine and puffed amaranth (protein rich, gluten free grain) you can snack happy without worrying about all of the artificial flavors and chemicals that come from candy bars and relax with a bar that actually supports a healthier eating lifestyle! If that doesn’t convince you to try them, these 140 calorie night time snack bars are packed with  great things like fiber, calcium, iron and 6g of protein with only 9g of sugar and 35 calories from fat but taste just like a regular grocery store snack bar (but better ;)!



First impression was that they were a bit messy when I broke it apart, it is all put together very well but that is expected from anything you eat. There are 6 perfect snack size bars per “filling” and “satisfying” box. These ‘optimized nighttime nutrition’ bars are all that they claim to be. I do feel like they did help me fall into a peaceful sleep faster, not in a medicated kind of way but in a relaxing and calming way. They do taste like they are made with rich cocoa so I wasn’t surprised to see that they used Chocamine, also they taste similar to a protein bar so they aren’t overwhelmingly sweet like a candy bar would be at 11 pm. I didn’t get a sugar rush nor did I still crave anything sweet after eating these. I have eaten about 3 bars over the last week or two so I am fairly certain of the effects it has on me vs those of the normal salty, sweet fatty things we all crave late at night!


Final thoughts, I recommend this product! It’s fairly inexpensive to try, your first box if FREE just pay $4.95 for s&h then cancel your subscription, hassle free, if you don’t absolutely love it! If you just have a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night, hungry, this is something you should try. If you are someone who does get late night cravings and you know that apples and grapes aren’t going to hit that sweet spot and you want to indulge beery once in a while without all of the guilt then I do recommend these. I don’t however think you should purchase these thinking they are a night time sleep aid, they will not put you out like a PM pill and that is NOT their purpose, they do however aid in a more calming and restful sleep. Don’t take it from me, try them for yourself here, you have TWO great flavors to choose from, Cookies N’ Dream and/or Midnight Chocolate Crunch!

Also don’t forget to leave any feedback or questions you may have in the comments section!

Thanks for reading!





I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

LIP MONTHLY -August 2014


Lip Monthly is beauty subscription box that gives you 2-3 FULL SIZED lip products and 2-3 other beauty products for just $10/Month! They used to have the products in the standard logo box that you would get for most other boxes but they recently switched to bags so that the products would all fit! Also there is talk of customization for the boxes, don’t quote me it’s just what I heard through the beautyvine 😉

August bag contents


So as you can see I received 5 full sized products and this adorable “Lip Monthly” printed bag. The bag is pretty well made and I will probably add it to my collection of travel bags or use it for giveaways or to store freebies.

City Color Lip balm – $2.99


I received the color “Ultra Pink” which is absolutely gorgeous but not my color. However the texture is amazing very smooth, glides on effortlessly and it’s pretty opaque. It has the nicest subtle fruity scent which is always a plus in my book. It’s also pretty moisturizing so I could see myself wearing my shade of choice regularly.

Love the formula, will be trying in a different color.

City Color “Be Matte lipstick” – $3.99


I received the color “Phoebe” or M33 it’s a deep pink color with some purple? Eh it’s weird, not my usual go to but I’m sure I can do something with it.
It’s pretty rough to apply, doesn’t really glide on very smoothly so make sure to exfoliate your lips pretty well. Color pay off is great, super opaque and feels light on so I imagine it being comfortable for long wear. No noticeable scent.

All on all I probably wouldn’t purchase this product solely because the formula is kind of harsh.

Color City “Magic Balm” – $3.99


Have no idea where to find this as it is not on the website but I do like it. There’s no name so I am assuming this was just a balm they have. It’s sheer, scent less and very soft when applying. Pretty moisturizing so maybe apply this under the matte lipstick? Hmmm…

I would totally buy this again, it’s so super soft I just want to rub it on my lips all day!

Jesses Girl “Liquid Glass Lip Gloss” – $4.99


Got the shade “Lickity Split” which is no longer on their website or isn’t on there yet, not sure. This isn’t a sticky gloss so I don’t hate it, it has some shimmer in it that I’m not a fan of so I will be giving it to my niece. It has a smell to it, not sure what it is but it’s a sweet scent, not obnoxious though. It’s pretty sheer so it would probably pair well with a matte base.

I would not purchase this for myself, because I’m not a gloss girl or into shimmery lips but if my niece likes it I wouldn’t be against buying her another one.

Pixie “Lid Last Shadow Pen” – $16


The box reads “This no-transfer, line-smoothing eye crayon glides on like a cream & dries to a powder. Light reflecting pigments deflect light away from fine lines & vitamin E protects delicate eye area.”

Ummm… That’s a lot of stuff for this little pencil but I will say that in the shade I received, which is “Gentle Gold” I could see it reflecting a lot of things! It is ridiculously creamy, so smooth and glides on my butter but just not as messy ;p It is extremely pigmented and a little goes a long way. It does dry fairly quickly and I didn’t notice it showing the lines in my hands or creasing from the movement so it is a pretty good pencil. It smells like a crayon, literally a crayon! Lol

I would maybe purchase this product again for special occasions!

As you can tell I took the pictures off the websites to show you the other color options so you could maybe have an idea if you’d like to try them or not and because I take crappy photos! Lol

Swatches… Well… As good as I could get it.


Also, feel free to use my LIP MONTHLY AMBASSADOR and the promo code SUMMERLIPS to get your first box for just $6.99 !!

Also City Color is CRUELTY FREE ❤️

Thanks for reading 💋

I did not get this for review, all opinions are my own.